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Keiko KAMMA installation 2019
IF Museum Easton, Pennsylvania, USA

Artist Statement
My work “visible/invisible” consists of fragments of some stories about "seeing" and "being seen".
There is a drawing of an eye on the front wall of this room.
This is the eye that views viewers in my installation.
※The drawn eye on the wall reminds me that famous peephole of Marcel Duchamp’s last work in Philadelphia Museum of Art. That’s why I regard it as the eye that views viewers in the meta-level.

My installation often consists of stuff, words, video and sounds that are nothing to do with each other. I created the word ‘material poetry’ to represent my installation, as Dada artists created the word ‘sound poetry’.
What you see is what you want to see.
I would be very glad if I could provide a place for you to meet your inner idea through my work.
I am also a noise sound player.
In this installation you can find some stuff that came from our real daily lives.
Putting these so-called “trash” into my installation is, for me, the same action as playing noise music.

One month before coming to America, I suddenly came up with the idea of creating an enormous Mitsuami (Braid) for the installation at the IF Museum.
Why Mitsuami (Braid)? What is the concept? I couldn’t get the reason. I only got the image.
Sometimes I enjoy representing what I don’t understand.
4 bunches of Mitsuami hanging in the venue might remind you of 'girly' image, or of the Indian's (native American's) spiritual power.
This time, I brought white cloth from Japan.
White is the color that represents the beginning as well as the end in Japan.
I tried to just "live" here and incorporate what I felt here in my installation。

There are some texts in this installation.
One of them is the text based on “The Little Prince” by French writer, Antoine De Saint-Exupery.
The original one is;
“L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux”
“What is essential is invisible to the eyes”
Here I gave a slight arrangement on the text.
“What is important is invisible to the eyes.
The text you can see here is based on my own feeling that I got at the disaster of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011.
The radioactive material is invisible and also since then the information about the disaster has been unclear. Still now we can’t get what is really going on about the matter, although it is a very important subject for us.

Keiko KAMMA installation 2019
IF Museum Easton, Pennsylvania, USA
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